Not Your Average...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Making The Band (The Will and Q fight) the previews they made it seem like Will and Q were gonna fight physically, which is not what happened. Basically, after a night of clubbing Will, Aundrea, Robert and Dawn come back to the house. Will and Mike were sleep cuz it was about 1am. Q wakes them up and says its time for practice (and he sounded kinda drunk to me but idk). Well, any normal person who gets waken outta their sleep gets mad, as did Will. So Q keeps tellin him to get up and calling him selfish b/c he didnt want to get up. But Will was saying that Brian wasnt there so there was no point to practicing. A few words were thrown and eventually they got in eachother's faces and sayin 'imma fuck u up' and 'imma put yo head thru that wall'. Everyone else in the house was trying to keep them away from eachother so they wouldnt physically do anything and they didnt. The next day Q and Will sat down and apologized to one-another and it was over. real fighting.


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