Not Your Average...

Friday, January 29, 2010


Anybody who's anybody better vote for me this week in the Scollas Word Exclusive Freestyle Series. This week features me APeezie, Young Lex, JFin, TGL, and Pinks. Of course I feel that I deserve the win already, but I hate coming off way too cocky because it always leads to failure. So what I'm asking is that everyone who supports FreshMen and ILL-A-FAM please vote for me in this competition! Also for those of you who don't really mess with us or new followers definitely take a listen to all and make your decision. Matter fact that goes for all lol. But really I mean I believe I'll win. You all saw V.I.P. win it a few weeks ago, so don't let him be the only FreshMen to pull out a W lol. But yea shout out to all of the competitors and Young Scolla for hosting these competitions.

To vote go to under Scolla's Word Exclusive Freestyle Series - Week 3/4


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